Terrific story! :-) Very funny, and apt.

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How very sad. And people will vote for him.

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Thinking the people who will vote for him this go round may fall into four categories. #1. Those seeing it as a self serving financial opportunity #2. The terminally credulous #3. The woefully undereducated and finally #4. Those in a blinding state of denial.

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Author

I like your analysis of the four groups and might add, there is a cult following that belong to a broader coalition of white, Christian nationalists, neo-nazis and white supremacists. Think, people who took part in Charlottesville and January 6. They would love to foment violence and/or a race war in order to prosecute the civil war all over again. I consider them traitors and insurrectionists, itching to attempt a coup, and no different than the traitorous confederates of the 1860’s vintage. Maybe you lump them into categories 2 and 3, but give them less potential to do serious harm to our democratic norms than me.

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I would agree with your clever analysis and as Wayne below says I would add or stress the cult of pure haters, maybe as number five.

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Author

I read in a magazine (Atlantic?) where the vitriol and hate derives for your proposed group 5. It resonated with me since I grew up in an extended family of bigots and racists in eastern NC between 1950 and 1970.

Made up almost entirely of white nationalists and neo-nazis, they are pissed off because they think they are on the cusp of being marginalized and/or disenfranchised from greater society. Their 'American Dream' is to live on acres of rural land and under/off the radar of government intrusion. They're not necessarily anarchists, they simply want to be left alone to enjoy whatever benefits they choose, many of which they will not articulate. Moreover, when they see minority groups being aided by the government to assist them in realizing a different 'American Dream', they see their desire to live as they choose being co-opted and slipping away.

I'm afraid their 'American Dream' is in direct conflict with many of our constitutional rights conveyed to, but not yet enjoyed by, everyone. Consequently, their angst drives them to violence.

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Aug 25Liked by Wayne

Yes. And that angst is inflamed by groups recognizing it and using it to achieve their own very different ends.

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Thanks for adding that important point. It’s an application of the herd instinct principle, where there is safety in numbers. Once one extremist group resorts to violence, others will gleefully join in.

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