Funny idea! Isn't it astonishing that the world actually seems to be run by morons like those you mention in this piece? ( I loved your line "from the shallow end of the gene pool" :-)

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Thanks! MA (Morons Anonymous) is apparently missing some members or else they only completed the first step and graduated.

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Yes, the second option is obviously corret. :-)

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Useful Idiot....it is becoming a professional title. A BS in Useful Idiocy. Stupidity 101, Basics of Cluelessness. Introductory writing in all CAPS. Advanced courses: Historical Ignoramuses and Lunatics. Methods of being Creepy and Disturbing.

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These courses, of course, would be taught at Weirdo U, where the slogan is, "if you're not satisfied, you obviously skipped Stupidity 101."

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And here I am, watching with divided attention, 2001: A Space Odyssey. I think I've found the motherlode of useful idiots. Chimps.

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Still, a classic movie. So, your attention is divided by watching 2001 and Planet of the Apes simultaneously?

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Laura Loomer? Oh, wait--she's not useful. Are any of the candidates useful in any dimension? Perhaps as doorstops?

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