Good thinking Ladies! My mother was not a heavy smoker, but she quit entirely, after my sister and I kept replacing her cigarettes with candy ones.

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Smart. Hopefully the strong potential of developing lung cancer was not replaced by diabetes. Long live moms!

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This was funny. Come on, Dick deserves this.

On a more serious note, while I am no fan of Dick Cheney by any means, I am thankful to him for publicly endorsing Kamala Harris even if only to keep Trump out of the White House.

This is truly putting Country ahead of Party.

Any and all undecideds and Republicans who are not completely under Trump's spell should be paying attention to the many Republican leaders who are saying they will vote for Harris, and their reason for doing so.

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Well said. John Bolton should read your comment and act on it.

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Funny! I love the idea of loading his shotgun with blanks :-)

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There were a great many “FU Cheney” calls going out in the late night talk show world. Easy to forget what his lying after 9/11 did to us. Thanks, I guess, for endorsing Harris, but it’s really hard to swallow. Hopefully, enough Repugnicans are still enamored of him to have it make any difference at all.

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I'm hoping this post was satire, but even if it was - I'm not amused.

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