Your vision is almost better in the imagination, since we can each put our own mental picture to such a scenario. And for those of who may lack the ability of mental imagery, just think of Monty Python's Terry Gilliam's artistic wonders, with a few satisfying auditory sounds thrown in.

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Thanks. I needed that. 😎

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It is an Ancient Mariner, and he stoppeth one in three... :-) Great rhyme!

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Thank you.

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Best re-write ever 😊

My dad would agree; while neither he nor mom survived to experience this utter nonsense, he lasted long enough to hear me play Albatross every morning of that month I spent with him before he left the planet


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Thanks! My muse works in mysterious ways.

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This is brilliant. Coleridge would be so proud. I laughed til I cried: not just from laughing so hard, but from the horror of it all. Why can’t the MAGATS understand this?

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