Sep 16·edited Sep 16Author

How do we, if we must, reconcile extremely disparate views of what greatness is in America? For example:

An unemployed, undocumented, single mother may call America great when she finally gets a doctor’s appointment for her sick child at a free public health clinic. A multi-billionaire hedge fund manager may only deem America great when it repetitively rewards him with an ROI of three figures.

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You hit the nails on their dear litttle heads. How about spray painting out the MAGA hat's last word ("Again") and then try to actually live up to the motto?

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LOL. Well bless their little metallic hearts.

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What makes America great is when it is moving forward, always trying to make things better, progress is not sexy, it is not exciting, it is slow and takes a lot of hard work.

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America is an experiment; a work in progress for those who refuse to give up and give in. Until all of us are free, none of us are. Being chained to the lies of commission and omission, cheating, and stealing means we are lying to ourselves. Some of us need tough love and others need tender love. But we all can start by loving one another. We won't always like one another but I believe love is the answer.

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Well said!

Shouldn’t respectful love be the foundation upon which all interactions are begun and ended? Ignore what happens within those bookends, even if you walk away no closer to reconciliation. Why wouldn’t we come to the table with humility, reasonable expectations, respect for other’s opinions, and their personal life experiences which shape those opinions? We shouldn’t abide or accept hate but deflect it with our best efforts and intentions to understand its source. From there may flow understanding, if not compassion, for a destructive attitude toward others.

One reader, in her response above, said MAGA adherents are insufferable, but we suffer their existence and hateful attitudes every day. We suffer their constant denigration of opponents as a danger to democracy when this is clearly a page from their own playbook to project their own divisive rhetoric onto others.

I think Donald Trump purposely brings out the worst in even the most well-meaning of his followers to gen up controversy and division for his own personal ambitions. What I find so vexing is that nearly all of his insurrection minions, even after being convicted and sentenced for their crimes, got no assistance from Trump’s largesse yet they still support him. Just how big of a bus does he have to throw someone under before the light bulb comes on? He cares about no one except himself. Even the closest members of his inner circle or family are expendable in his pursuit of the next shiny object that captures his attention. If I’m not paraphrasing Mary Trump, I feel certain she would agree.

End of introspective rant.

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They’re insufferable.

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Does that mean we have to meet them more than half way? Is that the moral high ground?

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Middle ground for me is a neutral zone - I can’t see meeting any ingrained hate anywhere near where they appear to be..

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Despite having our respective 'corners' hate extends palpably into any neutral zone and beyond. I feel assaulted by the very existence of some forms of hate.

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I do as well - I only wonder how the battle would harm the children. If it’s possible I’d prefer the hate die out in the sunlight.

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Consider it a battle *for* the children so they don't have to feel the same kind of hate? I would hope the chronic trauma of watching one side's hatemongering would be less damaging that the acute trauma of putting better guardrails in place to prevent it from continuing without consequences.

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