Aug 23Liked by Wayne

An acquaintance spoke about the success of the up and coming "other guy" in October of 2015. Secure in the certainty of my bubble he was summarily dismissed. The seed had been planted though and panic swelled as November broke, alas too late. Count me as one of the idiots. As someone once said "Fool me once - shame on you. Fool me ya can't get fooled again". Love your work.

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I, likewise, was in that village, secure in the knowledge that normal would triumph over abnormal. What a wake-up call I got the next morning. I was only assuaged when I watched SNL and heard Kate McKinnon’s Hallelujah parody.

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Very perceptive comments. I lived in NYC for 15 yers and during that time Donald Trump was regarded by many (most?) people as a buffoon with Daddy's money to keep him from falling flat on his face. The first close contact I had was when the people living in Rent Controlled apartments, who had lived there for years or decades, were in the way of Donald's father throwing them out (illegal) so he could convert the buildings into apartments. So he sent two guys around with a truck with a ladder in the middle of the night, who actually nailed plywood over the windows of rent controlled apartments. This drove many old people out of their homes, and accounted for at least one fatal heart attack that I know of personally. Donald J Trump was one of these two thugs.

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Thanks, Kate. I read Mary Trump's book about her uncle and was appalled (not surprised!) at some of the practices in which the Trump empire engaged to keep revenues and profits on the increase. I'm sure the NYCPD is covered up with fraud complaints from so many sources, it's difficult for them to chase them all down. You'd think they would prioritize the most egregious offenders though, which I'm sure Trump would make the list.

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Seems to me that someone has hit it on the head about Donald Trump. He is just plain WEIRD.

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You might be surprised that I actually enjoy Survivor, as well as some other reality shows, my hubby and I have never missed a season of Survivor. As the original reality show, it is still the best. I watched The Apprentice, and hated it, DT was so obviously a despicable person, even based on the fact the show was heavily scripted. Jeff Probst is a much more likeable host, and he never went on to try ruin our country. I am sure Mark Burnett never thought in a million years that The Apprentice would end up being the cult of Trump, and anyone who thinks reality shows are really reality, that is on them. If Schwartz was writing an "Autobiography", he should have done more fact checking, but I have some sympathy for him. Now you are spot on about. CNN and other supposedly mainstream news outlets including New York Times, how did Trump get away with all those behaviors that would have sunk anyone else. I also blame John McCain, though an honorable man made one of his worst decisions of his life, because I think Sarah Palin was a horrible choice, and made it okay to pick an absolutely ridiculous running mate.

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Thanks for drawing that important distinction between Survivor and The Apprentice. I'm not at all surprised that Trump showed his dark side (does he have a light side?) in the show.

Have you ever watched the movie 'Game Changer' about McCain and Palin's disastrous campaign? While I agree that McCain had approval and veto rights over the decision, his advisors were 95% to blame for not fully vetting Palin. The most positive thing I can say about Palin is that she gave SNL so much fodder for Tina Fey.

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I think I did watch that movie, and John was kind of suckered into it. I had a male co-worker ask me if I was voting for McCain because he had a female running mate.Yah, right.. Maybe the deciders thought she would get more of the woman's votes, I was less likely to vote for McCain after her selection. Tina Fey was hilarious, I can see Russia from my house.

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Aug 25Liked by Wayne

Your sign, “Village Idiot at Work,” made me remember Hillary’s, “It takes a village to raise a child” and suddenly I was thinking how it sure took a village of idiots to raise a man child to the office of president of our country.

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